Alive at 25 Course

The Alive at 25 course was developed to assist drivers 15-24 years of age avoid crashes, which is the number one cause of death.  The class is a highly interactive 4 hour course that teaches young drivers how to take control of situations by taking responsibility for their own driving behavior.  Alive at 25 has been adopted by many states and courts for graduated licensing and traffic violator programs.  Also serves as an excellent complement to standard driver education programs and is also ideal for young drivers who incur traffic violations.

Through interactive media segments, workbook exercises, and role playing young drivers develop convictions and strategies that will keep them safe on the road.  The Alive at 25 course has a strong focus on good decision making skills, skill practice and on-the-spot defensive driving techniques.  Participants are encouraged to join in non-threatening, non-judgmental discussions — exploring how changing driving behavior makes personal, legal and financial sense.  Young adults will learn the following:

•Why drivers ages 15 to 24 often underestimate risks.
•The effects of inexperience, peer pressure and distractions such as cell phones, text messaging, MP3 players and GPS units.
•The dangers of “kneeing” — or driving with your knees.
•State and local driving laws.
•Communication skills for assertiveness and being a young leader.
•Responsibility of passengers.

The Alive at 25 course costs $50.00, which includes textbook and certificate. You may register online or in person.  Students must be on time for class and attend the session in its entirety to receive a certificate of completion.  Failure to do so will forfeit any fees paid for the class.  Please note that we can accept cash, money order, debit card or credit card. However, we do not maintain cash on the premises, so if paying by cash, please have the exact amount.  All sales are final and non-transferable/non-refundable.